February 08, 2021 3 min read

Hello Moonbeams!!!

February is filled with many things: the slow return of spring, a new moon on February 11th in the unconventional and revolutionary sign of Aquarius, and of course, Valentine’s Day...

This is the time to plant our seeds, our sacred intentions for this new year of change. It is time to gather and focus our magick. We're also welcoming in the Year of the Ox which represents diligence, persistence, and honesty.

The last time I felt strong Aquarian energy like this was back in the ’60s. All the things that this movement stood for back then- equality, peace, and community, are still focused issues today.

The energy at that time was of a ‘new earth’ dawning…and the ending of the war. Those of us who were part of the counterculture (as it was called) were striving for a new world more aligned with higher vibrational energies. And now here we sit guided into the Age of Aquarius.

Hecate sitting with the New Moon all but guarantees us that we are absolutely at a crossroads on both a personal and collective level. The moon shows that it is time to lay intentions that will spark big change. At its heart this is a Moon about finding freedom. What a perfect month to live groovy, be courageous, aggressive, intelligent, curious,

non- conformist, independent sexually, liberated & rebellious!!!!

In honor of the New Moon & V-day celebrate this month of love with some New Moon Rituals with a twist of love.

Self-Love Bath

Water symbolically washes away the old. Fill a sachet with lavender flowers and rose petals. As tub is filling, add 1/2 cup Pink Himalayan Salt directly to the bathwater. When tub is filled drop sachet into bath water to steep while you soak. Light a candle and turn the lights out. Focus on what you would like to manifest. On what you would like to release. Get specific. Breathe deep. Soak in the new moon energy.


Freshen, sweeten and brighten your home’s energy. Clean your sacred space or altar! Add fresh flowers and a new stick of palo santo or sage bundle. Choose a candle to represent a goal, inscribe it, anoint it and light it! Using candles to illuminate manifestation is as old as time! It works if you utilize it regularly as a real tool.

Drawing Down the Moon Goddess

Stand and raise your arms above your head. Let your palms face each other and curve slightly toward the moon. Feel as though you’re a sacred chalice, drawing the power of Mother Moon into every cell of your being—from your toes, to your womb, to your breasts, to your jaw, and your eyes. Feel the pleasure of this energy. It is vibrant with the power to give, to receive, to nurture life, and manifest what is possible.

Draw your hands to your heart. Massage this area. Like the moon, dance as the Goddess that you truly are. When you are ready, bring your hands to your sides, palms facing the earth. Send your divine light deep into the earth. Blessed be.

Simple Love Spell

Write the qualities of your desired partner on heart shaped paper. Under the light of the new moon sprinkle the paper with rose oil or special romance blend and wrap up with a piece of rose quartz. Gently bury in a special spot in garden, by roots of a tree or in the soil of a potted plant you especially love. Let your intentions be consumed by the soil and roots and watch love bloom and grow.

Aphrodisiac Chocolate Truffles



1. Take a baking sheet and cover with wax paper. Sprinkle with the rose petals & sea salt

2. Break the cocoa butter into chunks, and melt in a double boiler over low heat

3. Once the cocoa butter is fully melted, slowly whisk in the powders.

4. Stir in the honey until everything is well mixed & pour in pan over petals & salt

5. Allow the chocolate to harden at room temperature (takes a few hours) or in fridge

For those like myself, who are no good in the kitchen (except with oils or herbs) here is my aromatic take on candy…the easy way.

Ylang Ylang Chocolates

Get a box of Really Good chocolates. Add a piece of absorbent paper to which you have placed 1 drop of Ylang Ylang. Cover and let sit until absorbed, a few days should do it. Try other oils like Orange or Mandarin for a different twist.

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