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UM / SO/ LIKE/ HERE - These are all filler words and create an energy that comes across as being unsure. Practice removing filled space with expansive words or breath expression.
YOU KNOW - This is an assumption and filler word. People come to yoga to learn depth. Take this entirely out of your teaching speech.
KILL - Kill your ego ... my so and so is killing me.. Remove any language that indicates the word kill in it. Not only is it a low vibrational word, but it is also a manifesting word that allows dis-ease in those around you and yourself.
SHOULD / NEED - These are judgment words. Avoid "You should feel this, or you need to feel that." Replace these phrases through explorative speech such as "You may begin to feel..." or "Explore through sensation..."
ING words - Ing words when used is called passive language. Be as present with your directions as possible. Be in the now. Place vs. placing, breathe vs. breathing, inhale vs. inhaling, etc...
OUR / WE / LET'S - Speak to the individual as you teach as much as possible.
REACH - Creates space for unaligned postures and compromises the integrity of the joint. Exchange this phrase for words like extend, lift, float, enhance, expand, lengthen, contract and press.
GUNNA - Truly, let go of this word while you're teaching. Often times a teacher will say on repeat .. "now we're gunna..step to the front of the mat" and will use this filler phrase often throughout the class. It's an unneeded use of energy.
YOU / YOU'LL WANNA - Exchange for create, explore, invite..
GOING TO - Swap for create, open, step into, explore..
COMING INTO - can become redundant and out of the present tense. Instead, use come to, expand, advance, create depth, or a simple direction..
SPREAD - This is a trauma word and can be anxiety inducing. We hear it often in spread your fingers when teaching hasta bhanda or spread out on your mat as a cue for shavanasa. You could say something like widen your fingers like the rays of the sun or like a starfish are better cues for hand placement. Step your feet wide on your mat instead of spread your legs wide for a standing forward fold is a good replacement.
FEEL YOURSELF - this is a trauma/trigger phrase - other options - witness yourself, perhaps you can experience the sensations of..
I WANT YOU TO... - This is a forceful demand. Instead, substitute for invite, explore, explore the sensation, consider trying, invoke, create..
MAYBE - This word can be used to find exploration after you have given proper placement. Be directive, then open the door for options. Use sparingly as when used too often, it gives the effect of uncertainty.
THAT / THOSE / THE...- Ex: that leg, those hands, the foot. Personalize the practice by saying your foot, your hand, etc. but eliminate completely that and those. There's no need to say raise those arms overhead just say raise your arms overhead.
WE - If it's a personalized movement, pretend that there is only one person in the room. You can say we as a collective description to the human force.
JUST - "I just teach yoga." Just is a dangerous one. Using it reduces things to trivial, and/or insignificant. When you feel this word start to come up, try omitting it and root into confidence. "Just go ahead and have a seat on your mat" wait what? How bout we weave postures together with presence, the transitions between postures is just as important as the posture itself right? It's the journey not the destination.
GO AHEAD AND - I think you get it..
DON'T - "Don't" gives the same effect as "should." It is a judgment. Create invitations to move them where it's better for them instead of don't do this or don't do that.
BUT - Leave this out of your teaching verbiage altogether. This is the number one stagnant word of the English language and devalues anything you stated before the placement. Exchange for however, furthermore, and etc.
CAN'T - Same as with "never." Every time we say can't, it's a declaration that whatever it is we aren't yet able to do is ultimately out of reach. The truth is, how do we know? Tell yourself you can, always. And keep practicing until you get it.
WRONG (OR RIGHT) - If you're breathing, focusing, and staying fully present, you're doing yoga. Obsessing over doing Warrior Two "right" implies there's only one way to do it. Fact is, none of us look the same in Warrior Two, and even the same person may look different on any given day. Every yogi is unique, bringing to the practice his/her own genetic code and fascinating yoga journey. Instead of right and wrong, how about safe and unsafe.
PERFECT - Coming to yoga class allows you to fail (first attempt in learning), to be imperfect, with no repercussions. Our practices grow stronger by playing on the edge of our limits, falling out of poses, and letting out our emotions. Perfection doesn't belong on the yoga mat or in life, and no one is perfect. We practice every day to serve the self to serve others.
FIGHT - Fight or flight is part of life. Using the word fight in life allows "fight" to manifest. I even avoid using the word "warrior" although feel the need in the warrior series. Why are we a warrior? Is there a fight? How about we all put down our swords and pick up a feather or a flower instead. I'm even tired of being told I'm so strong, and hearing things like I don't know how you do so many things. Fight and warrior makes me feel tired. How do you think your students feel?
F#!$?%!*- Cursing is a direct route into frustration and even anger. Notice what happens to your heart rate, your breath, and your jaw when you inwardly curse. Even if you aren't cursing aloud, those in your energy field will surely feel the negative energy. So flip it around and choose love.
Sooo..What is trauma-informed language in yoga?
In trauma-informed yoga (TIY), the teacher does not use directive language, but instead (very intentionally) uses invitational language in an attempt to make the practice more of a choice.
The people that we work with have had a lot of trauma and very little choice - especially those who are incarcerated.
The words you use have power. Even if it's unintentional, your words can have a profound negative impact on your yoga students. When used consciously, words can be an incredibly positive force. Substituting high vibrational verbiage for discouraging or abrasive language can be the difference between spiritual awakening and triggering trauma.
TRAUMA WORDS - There so many..lists and lists and if you really want to, then you can do a google search. Two that may not seem triggering but that I hear teachers using all the time are..spread & drop. Instead of putting over a hundred or more trauma triggering words here of what not say, instead I'll end this here and invite you to focus instead on what to say that IS high vibrational. Happy teaching, you've got this!!
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