Write your preferred process to prepare for channeling allowing it to be fluid.
Here are 5 practices that are highly recommended to incorporate in some fashion before channeling sessions to help enhance your ability to channel with clarity and concentration:
- Meditation: Regular meditation practice can strengthen your ability to quiet the mind, increase your awareness, and improve your focus. Set aside time for meditation to cultivate a calm and centered state of being. This can help you enter a receptive state for channeling. Don't try for a meditation in which you channel necessarily. Remember what I said earlier in the course in trying to release expectations or desires in and around channeling as these create blocks. Try a body scan, taming the monkey mind, basically choose meditations that help you practice focus, mindfulness ect. I've included a few optional meditations below of mine to try if and when you feel distracted or need extra support. You can practice one with this section if you want just remember they are there for you when needed. :)
- Grounding and Centering: Before engaging in channeling, it is important to ground and center yourself. We've talked a lot about this already, however we haven't talked about grounding throughout your day. This involves connecting with the present moment, becoming aware of your body and breath, and establishing a sense of stability and balance. Grounding techniques, such as visualizing roots connecting you to the Earth, can help you feel rooted and focused. You can do this while working, cleaning, walking ect. The more aware and mindfull we can be in our day to day life the more connected we will be and the more open to channel we will be. Also as much as you can get out in nature barefoot, get real time in earthing and grounding. There are also some grounding products on the market you can look into that plug into the wall.
- Clearing Rituals: Engage in rituals or practices that help clear your energy and create a sacred space for channeling. This can include smudging with sage or palo santo, lighting candles, or using crystals. These rituals can help you create a focused and energetically clear environment conducive to channeling. Also smudging your home or space is a powerful practice in addition to yourself. Trust your intuition, however you can also research smudging techniques, or the meaning of a crystal and bring it into your sessions or even hold crystals or place on your body while channeling. I highly recommend cleansing, charging and your crystals with intention as a regular practice. Again, use you intuition and/or look up how to do this.
- Intention Setting: Again we've talked about this, however, nothing on this earth plane exists without intention and channeling is no different. Be specific in what you want. Write it down, rewrite it more clearly. This is powerful work, if your don't know your why or what you want how can you get there? Well you can't so intention is EVERYTHING! Clearly define your intentions before each channeling session. Set the intention to connect with a specific entity or higher intelligence or state you are open to the highest guide available to you and state your purpose for channeling, whether it's to seek guidance, receive teachings, or offer healing. Having a clear intention helps focus your energy and align your mind with the purpose of your channeling practice. Just setting your intention and sitting holding a focus is powerful work. Often my guides show me an image floating in space, once it was a native american feather floating in front of a portal. They said focus on the feather and it went down the portal into a life of mine as a native american where I managed to only save my son (now my oldest son in this life we often or perhaps always incarnate together) and we were the only two to escape. I saw the rest of my family from afar and community pillaged and killed and I realized then in that channeling session that the experience in that life is partly why I don't connect more deeply with my family now. I tend to be a loner. Massive healing comes from this channeling work.
- Relaxation and Breathwork: Practice deep breathing exercises and relaxation techniques to calm the mind and body. Deep, conscious breaths can help you enter a state of relaxation, release tension, and enhance focus. When you feel relaxed, it becomes easier to attune to the channeling experience. You have breathwork practice in this course. You can also use Insight Timer and create a list of breathwork practices you love. I have a handful of recordings myself for you on Insight Timer, it is a great resource. For me I personally need at least 10-15 minutes of powerful breathwork with breath retentions at the top and bottom. This super charges my channeling ability. But I also don't stay stuck on that and just channel if I'm short on time.
Remember, channeling is a personal and intuitive experience, and different techniques may work better for different individuals. Experiment with various practices and find what resonates with you and supports your focus and receptivity. Trust your own process and intuition as you develop your abilities as a channel.