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asana lab - twists

For LIVE HOURS be on the lookout for Quarterly Zoom Asana Labs!

For non-live hours you can watch the Twists and Forward Bends Asana Lab available on YouTube. Note: This video is not searchable. This is only accessible via the link in this training.


  • Review the asana section in your Mark Stephens Book.
  • Review the twist postures in your Yoga Toolbox.

Twisting postures are essential for maintaining spinal health, improving digestion, and enhancing detoxification.

Breath During a Twist

  • Inhale: Lengthen the spine, creating space between the vertebrae. This prepares the body for a deeper, more effective twist.
  • Exhale: Deepen the twist, using the breath to facilitate a gentle and mindful rotation. Exhaling allows the body to release tension and move deeper into the pose without forcing.
  • Steady Breath: Maintain a steady, even breath throughout the twist to support the nervous system and promote relaxation. Avoid holding the breath, which can create tension and limit the effectiveness of the twist.

Common Misalignments and Corrections

  • Spine Alignment: Ensure the spine remains elongated and avoid rounding or collapsing the back. The twist should originate from the thoracic spine rather than forcing the lower back to twist.
    • Correction: Encourage students to lengthen through the crown of the head before twisting, maintaining a straight spine.
  • Shoulders and Neck: Avoid hunching the shoulders or straining the neck. Shoulders should be relaxed and level.
    • Correction: Remind students to keep the shoulders away from the ears and to twist gently without forcing the head or neck.
  • Hips and Pelvis: Keep the hips square and level, especially in seated twists, to prevent the lower back from over-twisting.
    • Correction: Use cues to keep the hips grounded and stable, ensuring the twist comes from the upper spine.

Safety Considerations

  • Warm-Up: Include a proper warm-up with gentle movements and stretches to prepare the spine and core muscles for deeper twists. This can include cat-cow stretches and gentle side bends.
  • Personal Limitations: Encourage students to listen to their bodies and respect their limits, avoiding pushing too deeply into the twist which can strain the spine and internal organs.
    • Tip: Remind students to back off if they feel any sharp pain or discomfort and to use modifications or props as needed.
  • Props and Support: Use props like blocks, blankets, or bolsters to support the spine and hips, making twists more accessible and safe.
    • Tip: In seated twists, sitting on a blanket can help elevate the hips and make it easier to maintain a straight spine.

Integrating Twisting Postures into Practice

  • Flow and Transition: Incorporate twists into Vinyasa sequences to help detoxify the body and balance the practice. Use twists to transition between poses and create a sense of fluidity.
    • Tip: Transition from a lunge into a twisted lunge to integrate dynamic movement with twisting.
  • Holding Poses: In styles like Hatha, hold twisting poses for several breaths to allow the muscles and connective tissues to release and for the benefits of the twist to deepen.
    • Tip: In a seated twist, encourage students to hold the pose for 5-10 breaths, deepening the twist with each exhalation.
  • Mindful Practice: Use twists to cultivate mindfulness and awareness. Encourage students to focus on their breath and the sensations in their spine and core, fostering a sense of internal balance and calm.