April 25, 2021 2 min read

Hello Moonbeams!!!

Things are about to get intense, because the full moon of Taurus season happens to also be the first supermoon of the year — and it’s here to shine a light on our deepest secrets and vulnerabilities. Also known as the annual Pink Moon, this one takes place on April 26th (11:31pm EST), in the intensely emotional water sign of Scorpio.

Scorpio is ruled by Mars and Pluto…On the night of the full moon Mercury, Venus and Black Moon Lilith will be joined together awakening the dark feminine and bringing out our shadow sides with repressed emotions (this is watery Scorpio, you know) and our deepest desires. Depending on how you use this energy, the days after could be transformative and therapeutic or filled with chaos. After all, the aggressive, agitated Mars is up against La Luna, with her gentle intuitive nature. There will be some powerful intense energies here. Scorpio, in its shadowy mystery, is beckoning you to go deep. To stop looking away from the abyss and dive in. Red wine, black candles, marigolds and dark crystals can be perfect additions to your altar for a Full Moon in Scorpio. Do your magickal work at night when the Moon is its brightest. And as always, please do what’s necessary to protect your energy. Because…

Pluto, the planet of transformation death and rebirth, will go retrograde on the 27th and stay in that place until October 6th. What does this mean for you? Well, if you can restrain yourself from self judgement and sabotage, this event is bestowing you with the opportunity to finally and fully transform…to release all those old patterns holding you back. Trust in the magick of life and you will be reborn anew.

Crystals: Amethyst, Smokey quartz, Sodalite, Obsidian

Herbs: Belladonna, Basil, Sage, Catnip

Colors: Maroon, Red, Black

Goddesses: Lilith, Hecate or Kali

Full Moon Shower Soak

If you don’t have a bathtub to soak in, our full moon shower works wonders too! Simply place flowers, oils and salts into your bath tea/muslin bag and then hang from the shower head so that the flowing water runs through the bag itself. The entire shower will fill with the aroma and power of the cleansing ingredients inside the bag, not to mention the water passing through it will then rain down on you and your aura!

Ingredients: Sea salt, oils of patchouli & ylang ylang & rose petals

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