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Special Discounts for the Month of September Only!
May 31, 2019 2 min read
This month's first full moon is undergoing a partial lunar eclipse in the earth element sign of Capricorn, drawing a powerful emotional forcefield around us all. Light those healing candles, grab your potions, and pull out your crystals — this is going to be dramatic ride.
Nature is Our Healer: Turn to the Earth
As the strong eclipse energy moves shadowy internal issues out into the open, it paves
the way for total release. If you find you're not ready for change or to move
forward on your path, then you may want to consider asking yourself what is
really holding you back. Is it the situation itself, or your own fears?
In Pagan tradition, this moon is known as the Full Buck Moon; this is the time of
year when the antlers of a buck deer are in full growth mode. It is also known as
the Thunder Moon due to the high number of thunderstorms in July. Other names include the Blessing Moon, Meadow Moon, and the Wort Moon (wort is an ancient word meaning all herbaceous plants or herbs, which are ready for harvest in July).
Earth elements are related to growth. Now is the time to send your
roots deeper into the Earth Mother and call upon your guides to give you the
courage and strength to let go of an old vision that no longer suits you.
Making Moon Water
Moon water is water that has been charged with the energy of the Moon,
connecting us to the lunar power and energy from the Full Moon. This can add
magic and power to any intention and spell.
On the night of the full moon, place a clear quartz crystal in a jar of purified
water. Clear quartz crystals will help you stay on your new path, without
having to worry about negativity catching up with you.
Place the vessel outside in a clear, moonlit spot, making sure the jar is covered.
When morning arrives, your water will be charged with lunar energy. Drink
a bit every morning to balance the body, mind, and soul.
Yoga and Affirmations for Embracing the Full Moon
Since moon time is special, we’ve designed a little body-love yoga
ritual designed to promote relaxation and ease.
Take 10 breaths in each pose.
Mountain-Warrior 2-Triangle-Pyramid- Chair-Squat-Savasana
Accompany your sequence with the following affirmation: “I am cleansing. I am letting go. I am releasing all that must go. My life is free, my light is clear. I am not one to succumb to my fear. I know the path forward, I know where my journey goes,
Universe guide me so I may grow. I am open to the light. I am open to
the love. I am open to the wholeness that flows from above. Mother
Moon, I thank you for this cleansing, thank you for this light. I am me.
I am whole, and I trust the way in which the wind blows.”
As you feel the energies of the Capricorn full moon supporting your highest self, keep in mind there will be another chance to bring in new energies on July 31st. We'll explore this second new moon, also known as a black moon, in our next post.
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