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September 06, 2021 2 min read

Hello Moonbeams!!!

Greetings on this New Moon Monday!!! The best feature about a new moon is the feeling of starting anew... a fresh start or a new beginning as you journey through the spiral dance of life.

The season of Virgo and the season of harvest are in full affect now. Virgo vibes are everywhere. Summer’s over and the Wheel of the Year is now turning towards Mabon (fall equinox). Embracing the changes seeded last month is the only way to go and this is the best new moon of the year to begin or re-start nurturing mind, body and soul. Virgo is committed to care of the earth as well as the body and one thing is for sure…our daily rituals are sacred. If the changes you are facing are challenging, take a moment to quiet your mind and connect with your inner self. On the night of the dark moon much healing and guidance can come through.

Tonight, thinking of the moon brought to mind the sun. I am always asked about the sunsets in the Keys. And it is true, no matter how many times you see them; you are still in awe of their beauty. But, think about where you are…we see the same sun setting and it is beautiful there too. They are something we can count on-each nights' sunset reminds us that tomorrow is a new day. So tonight, while I am writing this and watching the sunset, I think of you and know you're watching it also...we're all in this journey together.

Dream your dream tonight and then with that new moon in Virgo (a very contemplative New Moon it is!) choose what you wish to create. Wondrous things are beginning to bubble in the cauldron.

And remember, beautiful yogis, when you allow your true self to shine through, your soul will truly sparkle!

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