June 27, 2021 4 min read

You have a passion for yoga and a desire to teach it. You probably know by now that yoga is much more than a series of postures that prioritize building flexibility, strength, and balance in the body. Instead, yoga postures are tools that teach flexibility, strength, and balance of the mind and heart.

In other words, yoga is not merely a practice but a way of life, and someday, you will be teaching beyond the poses. Inspiring your future students to search for what is deep within requires you to dive deeper into your own truth and the truth of yoga. Being the teacher and person you want to be means living your yoga. What better way to do this than to become completely immersed in the whole experience?

Becoming a 200-hour yoga teacher is one thing - something you can learn virtually anywhere. But enrolling in a 200-hour yoga teacher training immersion in Costa Rica will teach you and change you.

Yoga teacher training is a big decision. If you have found yourself unsure of where to do yours, here are a few reasons to consider the beautiful sacred lands of Costa Rica.

Exploring the Nature and Biodiversity

Many people might agree that Costa Rica is the place to go if you want to escape your everyday life for a while. This rainforested country with its beautiful beaches, coastlines, and volcanoes can attest to that. Exploring Costa Rica’s jungle filled with diverse wildlife will surely make you feel as though you’ve been transported to a new world. And while it truly is spectacular, we consider coming to Costa Rica less of an escape and more of a homecoming - a return to your biodiverse roots.

Costa Rica is the perfect place to come to reinforce and deepen your connection with nature. During your time here, you will begin to acclimate to not only the climate but the various habitats around you. You will start to feel rooted and grounded and more as if you belong. The more you settle in and become inspired by the beauty and wonder of all that is around you, it can ignite a newfound level of enthusiasm within you. A desire to learn more about yourself, what you have to offer this world, and what you can offer as a yoga teacher.

Throughout your yoga teacher training in Costa Rica, you may start to feel more carefree, confident, and open as your exploration of the world around you translates to and encourages exploration within.

Eating a Plant-Based Yogic Diet

Eating a yogic diet means eating fresh foods, whole and plant-based. In Ayurveda, a nourishing diet that values energizing and balancing the body is known as a sattvic diet. When you eat a plant-based diet and do not eat meat, you do not participate in animal cruelty. This way of eating and being observes the yogic principle known as “ahimsa,” or non-violence.

There is no denying that what you eat impacts your physical well-being and your mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being. A delicious plant-based yogic diet comprised of various fruits, grains, and tasty native dishes is what you will find in this destination training. In Costa Rica, you will experience how a healthy gut impacts a healthy mind to sustain both mind and body.

Staying in Eco Lodges

In what ways has yoga increased your awareness of what is around you? Has your deepened understanding and connection driven you to make changes and be kinder to your environment?

We love how yoga has a way of bringing the outer world inside you. Costa Rica is a beautiful place where students can foster a greater appreciation for the earth and the roofs over their heads.

If you haven’t yet noticed any shifts in your environmental consciousness through your yoga practice, it’s okay. Remember that yoga is a process. Yoga is a continuous journey to love, liberation, and healing. The more you focus on these things within yourself, mindful care for your environment tends to come naturally.

Still, it is vital as yogis to have more reverence for nature, and if we just dive into doing our part, we learn as we go. For our teacher training in Costa Rica, students will be staying in eco-lodges, which prioritize positively impacting the environment. Eco lodges use renewable energy sources and energy-efficient lighting to help achieve this. Eco lodges are also a place where the focus is on water preservation, reusing, and recycling.

We hope you will join us on this journey to Elysiana Waterfall, an Eco-Lodge & Retreat Center in the lush jungle near Dominical, Costa Rica. The waterfall, rivers, swimming holes, and hiking trails will provide an introspective experience and opportunity for you to slow down and focus on the miracle in front of and within you.

Yoga is a practice that teaches us that the illusion of separation is at the root of our suffering. That is why our course isn’t only designed to train you on how to teach. This course is a training that unites mind, body, soul.

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