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June 18, 2022 2 min read

Summer Solstice

Love this time of the year... the moon, the sun, the stars & the flowers are crazy-beautiful

Summer Solstice is the celebration of the peak of summers beauty. Depending on where you are in the world, it falls somewhere between June 20th & 21st. Summer Solstice is the longest day and the shortest night of the year & the time to see all things, Faerie. It is one of 8 Wiccan sabbats that mark the turning of the wheel of the year and is also known as the fire holy day of Litha. It is Midsummer's Night, the year's bounty is at hand, and it is time for the Sun King to embrace the Queen of Summer, ensuring the circle's continuation.

Midpoint in the calendar year, Summer Solstice/Litha represents the balance between light & dark, both outside & within you-the longest day of the year in the north & the longest night of the year in the southern hemisphere. Probably the place most associated with Summer Solstice is Stonehenge…England’s' ancient stone druid circle. The stones are set in a way that at the moment of sunrise on Summer Solstice the light passes through a stone corridor to illuminate an altar stone.

As the wheel turns toward the Summer Solstice, now is the perfect time to connect with green magick. The plant world has a message for you. Prepare a flower crown with all those gorgeous blooms (cause, really, who doesn’t like wearing one of those!). If near water, take the crown and release into the water at days end. This is considered an offering to the Sun, and it is said to bring good luck until the next summer...and to those looking for love, a promise that they will soon find it. Herbs are now at their peak as well, both magically & therapeutically. So, gather them up, cut that St. John’s Wort and let the light, love & plant world fill you on this magical day.Β 

Summer Solstice Ritual

On this night place a bowl of strawberries (the best you can find) under the light of the Moon. Then dance or walk slowly or move rhythmically around it as you repeat your intentions for your own flourishing world. Because whether you are welcoming Summer in the Northern hemisphere or Winter in the South, we are One Planet, One Human Family, One Living & Breathing Being.Β 

Until next time wishing you a beautiful and inspired Solstice! Shine Brightly!

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